Saturday, August 31, 2019

Can We Talk Essay

Divorce in the United States is very common and excepted. With powerful words like till â€Å"death do us part†, and â€Å"Adultery† being said. Communication is a must to make the marriage work with affective affirmation and self-disclosure making the words can we talk mean more now than ever before. I can relate to the article â€Å"Can We Talk† in my current new marriage for the first 1 year we never argued or had a fight. Most fights were petty and now found out to be lack of affective affirmation meaning behavior that makes your partner feel loved, cared for or special (Schoenberg, N., 2011). Self-Disclosure The act of verbally or nonverbally revealing information about yourself to other people(Sole K.,2011) In my personal relationship has gone both ways for the positive when making her feel she knows that she can trust you as well as getting to know you more and everything about you must want to know. Then the negative side when revealing to much information and then scaring them away like when you make her feel like she is married on the first date or smothering her. I would say Self-Disclosure should be used regularly after the first date and somewhat on the first date to get to know each other. The similarities I have found in my gender communication is that most men and woman complain about similar problems they are having with their gender like most men may say she talks to much or is too affectionate or not affectionate enough. Then most females would say us men are not affectionate, don’t talk, lack of emotions and so on. The times when gender based situations accrue when a man expects the female to make dinner, clean the house, make their lunch and for the men take out the trash, mow the lawn, rake the leaves. All gender specific related similarities that usually result into a situation but not always. I do feel my marriage fits into the gender specific similarities with my wife doing the laundry, dinner, making lunch, etc. I fix what she breaks and paint, maintenance, fix car problems, celling fans, bought and installed the T.V., Laptop all electronics etc. The generalizations regarding gender has caused conflicted but with better communication and me helping out more solved the problem for now. REFERENCES Schoenberg, N. (2011, January 17). Can we talk? Researcher talks about the role of communication in happy marriages, McClatchy-Tribune News Service, ProQuest Newsstand, Document ID: 2240370261, Retrieved from: Sole K., (2011) Making Connections, Bridgepoint Education, Inc., ch.7.7, retrieved from:

Friday, August 30, 2019

Yahoo Reaction Paper

On the 3rd of May, 2012, Daniel Loeb, Yahoo's largest external shareholder, who then controlled 5. % of the company through his hedge fund – Third point, launched an attack on Yahoo! And its new C. E. O. , alleging that Scott Thompson had lied on his resume about his academic qualifications. This was a result of a proxy war between Yahoo! And Loeb, who being a major stakeholder, wanted his choice Of candidates on the board and saw Thompson as an obstacle. These allegations snowballed into a huge crisis during a trying period for the organization.After rejecting a profitable takeover bid from Microsoft, steep competition from other internet giants and top level management issues, this situation weakened the company rather. Thompson, in his resume, claimed to have a college degree in accounting and computer science from Stonewall College near Boston. This â€Å"claim† was published on the company's bio and annual report, a legal document whose validity and authenticity is confirmed by the CEO- He even certified these degrees in the Securities and Exchange Commission filings.After receiving Lobe's letter stating that Thompson only had an accounting degree from Stonewall and the college didn't even offer a computer science degree at the time, Yahoo! Initiated an investigation. Upon receiving the findings of the investigation, Yahoo! Encoded that Thompson in fact only had an accounting degree and called the mistake an â€Å"inadvertent reproof. F-judging information on ones resume is something that many people indulge in, in order to make their profiles appealing especially in competitive job markets, a place where they fear loss to other capable candidates.Scott Thompson probably didn't need to lie about this particular qualification as he was in fact more than capable to lead Yahoo! Given his past experiences in technology firms like Papal and Visa. In my opinion, one of the most important methods of moral reasoning that one must adopt while making any professional or even personal decision, is the Rawlins Liberalism moral method. As Minnie Moldavia rightly suggests, one should keep in mind that the decisions you make could eventually decide your social position in the future.This future could not just have a positive or negative effect on you, but also the others who depend on and matter to you. Had Scott Thompson followed this method while making his resume as opposed to just a consequentiality approach, it is very likely he wouldn't have found himself in such a controversy. This saga did not just affect him, but also the organization, its shareholders and employees. Since Loeb first revealed Thompson padded resume, Yahoo's shares fell by around 3%. Since his tenure began, Thompson began to cut costs by laying off almost 14% of the Yahoo! Rockford, most of whom were in fact engineers and computer science graduates. Although the â€Å"Resume-Gate† seemed to some a minor error blown out of proportion, several disgruntle d Silicon Valley employees questioned how they could work for an organization where the C. E. O. Claimed to be a computer scientist and actually wasn't. Employee and share-holder morale was at an all-time low, a situation caused by a decision made many years ago, which Thompson rabble thought would never come back to haunt him. Thompson is not alone. There have been other C. E.Co's who have lied about their credentials in the past and some have almost got away with it. Ronald Carmella, C. E. O of Bausch & Lomb, admitted to his mistakes and retained his position. Others like David Edmondson from Radiograms haven't been so lucky. In the name of marketing or branding themselves, people believe they can attract aspirations jobs and seem appealing to employers. More often than not, people do not need these little lies to achieve success or the job of their dreams. David Edmondson, for example, had climbed up the company ladder and had become C. E. O. Cause of his ability and skillet, not because of the degree he showcased on his resume. Radiograms may have been too harsh when they implemented their decision, but it was definitely for the long term stability of the company. From the observations so far, understand that the active agents are the board of directors at Yahoo, Scott Thompson and Daniel Loeb. Their decisions will affect the passive agents I. E. The shareholders and the employees. So were Yahoo! And Radiograms justified in asking their prized possessions to move on? As a decision maker, the questions one must ask, according to Graham Tucker, are as follows.Is the decision Profitable? On firing Scott Thompson without cause, Yahoo! Would have to pay him a huge severance fee and stock grants of up to $million. This would seem a huge compensation and a loss for the organization in the short term, but could definitely seem profitable in the near future as the stock prices were bound to increase, which they did upon Thompson resignation. Tucker also asks if the decision is legal. The answer to that is also yes. According to the Serbians-Solely Act of 2002, violators face penalties of 20 years in prison and nines of up to $million if the data submitted to the SEC isn't authentic.Fairness of the decision is another question that Tucker asks. According to the Yahoo's code of ethics, all employees are expected to disclose fair, accurate, timely and understandable information in reports and documents filed to the S. E. C. This applies even to directors. It would be unfair to other employees if such conduct ignored what the top level management was up to. The decision of firing Thompson was also the right decision as this would not just set a strict precedent at Yahoo, but it would also salvage the company from a trying tuition.No company would want their leader lying about anything let alone something as petty as three words on their resume. Trust issues creep in and shareholders could question the transparency and openness the company has to offer. Lastly, Tucker asks if the decision taken would ensure further sustainable development. I personally believe that during this predicament, in spite of multiple changes in management a few years earlier, a good change would benefit Yahoo's future growth. A situation like this sets a bad tone at the top and beginning afresh would uplift employee and shareholder morale.

Why Women Are Paid Less Than Men

Sample Teacher Interview Questions Teacher Relationships With Students 1. What kind of students do you like to work with? What type of students could you teach most effectively? 2. You give an assignment. A student ridicules the assignment, saying it doesn’t make sense. What would you do? 3. How do you help students experience success? 4. How would you individualize instruction for students? 5. What procedures do you use to evaluate student progress besides using tests? 6. How would you challenge the slow learner and the advanced learner within the same class? 7. What would your students say about you?Teacher Relationships With Colleagues 9. Tell us about yourself, and specifically what brought you to want to be an English, math, science teacher? 10. What is your philosophy about teaching English, math, science? 1. What kind of teachers would you prefer to work with? Why? 2. What activities would you like to work with in our school? 3. What quality or qualities do you have tha t would enhance our teaching staff? 4. What are some personality characteristics you find undesirable in people? 5. Who should be responsible for discipline in a school? Why? 6. What needs and/or expectations do you have of the school administration? . How do you collaborate with your colleagues? Teacher Relationships With Parents 1. What do you feel is the most effective way to communicate with parents? Describe how you have used this/these technique(s). 2. Describe the reasons why you would contact parents. 3. What would you include in your Open House presentations to parents? 4. What community activities would you like to be associated with? Why? Instructional Techniques 1. Describe any school experience you have had, particularly in student teaching (or in another teaching position) that has prepared you for a full-time position at our school. . How would you integrate technology into the curriculum you would teach? 3. Describe any innovative projects you have been involved in d eveloping. 4. Give an example of how you have used cooperative learning in your classroom. 5. What four words would students use to describe your teaching strategies? 6. What rules do you have for your classroom . Describe your teaching style and how you accommodate the different learning styles of the students in your classes. 8. What do you consider to be your strengths and how will you use them in your teaching? 9.In what ways do you keep students on task and well behaved during collaborative group activities? A Potpourri of Topics and Background Information 1. Why did you choose to become a teacher? 2. What are your hobbies and interests? 3. What are your plans for continuing your professional growth? 4. Tell me about an interesting article you have read recently in a professional journal. 5. What contributions can you make to our school? 6. What current trends in public education please you? Displease you? 7. Tell me about the three people who have most influenced your own educ ation and educational career. . Tell us about a golden teaching moment? Questions for Management Expertise1. Describe the management strategies and techniques you use to maintain an effective classroom environment2. In what ways do you keep students on task and well behaved during collaborative group activities? 3. Describe your expectations for student behavior? In other words, if I were to enter your class on an average day, what should I expect to see with regard to student behavior? 4. Keith is your busy seventh-grader. He is constantly moving in your class and always ready to throw spitballs.Although his behavior is not seriously disruptive, it is annoying. He is especially active when he believes that you cannot see him. How would you deal with this situation? 5. Describe the management strategies and techniques you use to maintain an effective classroom environment6. Describe your expectations for student behavior? In other words, if I were to enter your class on an average d ay, what should I expect to see with regard to student behavior? 7. Keith is your busy seventh-grader. He is constantly moving in your class and always ready to throw spitballs.Although his behavior is not seriously disruptive, it is annoying. He is especially active when he believes that you cannot see him. How would you deal with this situation? Personal Characteristics Questions1. How would a colleague describe you? 2. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher? 3. As a teacher, how do you relate to students, colleagues, and parents? 4. What do you consider to be a major issue in public education today? Questions for Content Area Expertise:1. Describe your knowledge and experience with the California content standards applicable to your content area. . Describe any specific areas of strength within your content area (e,g. , Physical Science, Writing Workshop, Algebra, etc. ). 3. If you could teach just one grade level and subject within your content area, what would you choose? Why? 4. What sorts of assessment, both formal and informal, do you view as being important indicators of successful performance for students learning your content area? 5. If you could teach any novel, what would it be and what would your students be doing? 6. How do you adjust for reading level differences within your classroom?Questions for English Learner Expertise:1. We have a large number of English learners in our district. What knowledge and experience do you have that is representative of your ability to teach English learners? 2. What knowledge and experience do you have regarding the California English Language Development Standards? 3. Imagine that you are teaching a â€Å"regular† mainstream class in your content area. A new student arrives in your class one day, and you soon find out that this student possesses only limited English fluency (that is, some oral fluency but very limited reading and writing fluency).You realize that this is probably not the c orrect placement for the student, so you approach the counselor in charge of scheduling students. You are told that there is no room in the other classrooms for the foreseeable future and that you will just have to do the best you can. What would you do to accommodate this student until a better placement comes up? 4. In what ways, both formal and informal, might you assess a student with limited English fluency to be sure the student is truly learning the content of your course curriculum? Short Interview Questions § How would a colleague describe you? What are your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher?  § As a teacher, how do you relate to students, colleagues, and parents?  § What do you consider to be a major issue in public education today?  § Describe your knowledge and experience with the California content standards applicable to your content area.  § Describe any specific areas of strength within your content area (e,g. , Physical Science, Writing Workshop, Algeb ra, etc. ).  § If you could teach just one grade level and subject within your content area, what would you choose? Why? What sorts of assessment, both formal and informal, do you view as being important indicators of successful performance for students learning your content area?  § We have a large number of English learners in our district. What knowledge and experience do you have that is representative of your ability to teach English learners?  § Imagine that you are teaching a â€Å"regular† mainstream class in your content area. A new student arrives in your class one day, and you soon find out that this student possesses only limited English fluency (that is, some oral fluency but very limited reading and writing fluency).You realize that this is probably not the correct placement for the student, so you approach the counselor in charge of scheduling students. You are told that there is no room in the other classrooms for the foreseeable future and that you will just have to do the best you can. What would you do to accommodate this student until a better placement comes up?  § In what ways, both formal and informal, might you assess a student with limited English fluency to be sure the student is truly learning the content of your course curriculum?  § Discuss a curriculum project you developed which generated high motivation and engagement among your students.Tell us what the project looked like and what resources you used to develop it.  § How do you feel about participating in an advisory period or other master-scheduled differences?  § What kinds of strategies do you use to challenge students to have an in-depth understanding of mathematics, science, English literature?  § What strategies do you use to make curriculum meaningful and relevant to students?  § Since we will be held accountable for standardized test results, what will you do in the area of curriculum development to e3nsure that students do well on the test wit hout teaching the test? Describe the evaluation instruments you use to assess student learning.  § Describe your ideas for ensuring that you have positive communication with parents and the larger community.  § What do you envision will be your biggest challenge this year?  § How do you excel in working with students from diverse populations?  § Why are you interested in working at this school?  § Share with us your philosophy of teaching and learning?  § What is the role/responsibility of a teacher in a classroom?  § Tell us about a time when a student really got what you were hoping they would. An â€Å"Ah HA† moment. Why do you think students from diverse cultural and educational backgrounds do not excel in school in comparison to more traditional students?  § What kinds of things can be done to compensate for inadequacies in English or prior knowledge?  § Tell us about your approach to classroom discipline – how do you ensure your students are on- task, and what steps do you take when they are not?  § What do you think was your most successful lesson you have taught and why?  § What was the most challenging lesson you have had to teach, and how did you overcome the obstacles?  § What would be the ideal teaching position be? |

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Market Economy in Jacksonian America. Did it benefit or hurt Research Paper

The Market Economy in Jacksonian America. Did it benefit or hurt america - Research Paper Example His support for the economic development played the role in a positive growth. After the constitution was passed the economy became more controllable and this produced a positive effect. During this period, America depended on Rail roads for transport which led to the gradual growth of the economy. Alexander Hamilton who was the secretary of the treasury at the time strongly advocated for a strong central government which would control the industrial economy. Hamilton and his followers suggested that the government would have a control point of the economy and this would introduce a new American economy. They pointed out that a national bank would be appropriate to control the currency flow and provide loans for the growth of small industries. However during this time debates were already on the table as to how the American economy should be. Clearly different school of thoughts existed between the noble Americans. President Thomas Jefferson and his supporters idealized a government which was based on agriculture as the main core. Jefferson strongly opposed the policies and ideas put forward by Hamilton, he was also against the idea of having a central government. Under the government of President James Madison in the year 1811, the first bank’s charter expired. There was a civil was in 1812 and the bank was not re-chartered until 1816 when the second Bank was formed. Andrew Jackson became president in 1828 and during his administration he introduced the Jackson an economy. He and his supporters led to the defeat and abolishment of the Second Bank of United States. He strongly advocated for the common white man not to be taxed heavily for the growth of an economy. During his time, the Southern economy was much developed and this led to proposals of expanding the Northern part being cancelled. This is because the southern believed that the Northern part would become more powerful. The country reeled back to the dependency on

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

(company law) What is meant by the statutory contract, and what is its Essay

(company law) What is meant by the statutory contract, and what is its importance for company law - Essay Example The limitation in the rights of the members could be attributed to the rights of the other members and also in the company’s separate personality which could call for the best interests of the company or the will of the majority to take preference. As a result, the multifaceted nature of this â€Å"contract† has created a demand for an additional directive in this area. The Nature of the Statutory Contract Contracts could be commonly found between two parties, consequently rendering third parties to intermittently acquire rights. These parties would in turn possess communal obligations as well as prima facie and any infringement is subject to an action for damages.2 On the other hand, the company contract could also be taken into consideration as unique. It covers several members making it imperative to determine who parties to it are and when it could be imposed. The requirements of Section 14 do not distinguish the company as being party to the contract instead it takes no notice of its separate legal unit, and grants only that it is compulsory as if signed and conserved by each member. Consequently, the shareholders are bound to the company and, even though not statutorily given for, the company is also bonded by the Articles, to the member. Nonetheless, the shareholders could solely implement their rights qua members3, at the same time as the articles structure a contract involving members which is generally solitary enforceable by means of the company, this is with the exception of the of member posses personal right5. On the other hand it should be taken into consideration that an â€Å"outsider† right, for example one not connected to the â€Å"collective constitutional rights† could not be imposed7. The term â€Å"outsiders† could include people such as directors. There are concerns shed over the modification

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Communication Challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication Challenges - Essay Example The first challenge for communication to take place comes in when a communicator chooses the wrong communication channel. Channel involves the route or the method used to convey the message. A channel must be suitable to as many recipients who must have a way of encoding the message. A wrong identification of the intended audience by the communicator will mean a wrong channel and thus no communication. For instance, when a communicator intends to communicate to a large audience, he must choose a channel that accommodates that. It will be easier to broadcast the news of an upcoming urgent event on a radio or TV other than use written messages. On the other hand, complex information requires a written form of communication other than a verbal form. The second challenge or barrier to communication depends on the receiver of the message. Attitudinal barriers come about because of individual problems of the recipients. The relationship between team players can affect communication. For instance, personal conflicts between people in a team or in an office will hinder open communication, delay communication, or even make some employees refuse to communicate at all. In addition, poor management, lack of training, and employee consultation will lead to a dissatisfied and demotivated team. It is very hard to communicate to a team that is not motivated; they will encode what they want to hear. In the 21st century, communicators face the challenge of communicating to a tech-savvy team especially the younger generation.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Graphic Design in Victorian Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Graphic Design in Victorian Era - Essay Example The Victorian Era (Fig. 1) also referred to social movement, celebration of the industrial era's spirit, design with fancy ornamental detail, the rise of American advertising design that contributed to the development of Graphic Design. In 1851, Prince Albert, husband of Victoria, organized the first international exhibition of manufactured goods as celebration of modern industrial technology and design in Crystal Palace. The exhibition attracted more than six million visitor and thirteen thousand exhibitors. "Amazingly, the building, dubbed the "Crystal Palace" (Fig.2), was ready on time and on budget. In fact, due to presale of tickets, the exhibition was ensured profit before it even opened on May 1, 1851" ( In 1851 just about everyone who could manage it visited the Crystal Palace: six million people in five months. Over four million of them came from outside London, double the usual number of travelers (Gillett, 1990). Handling that traffic was tribute to the new, high-speed, mass circulation of people and goods by railroad. The project's architect, Joseph Paxton, was not simply builder of greenhouses, but railway engineer; the great ferrovitrious sheds that still lie behind the public face of King's Cross and Paddington stations are architectural cousins of the Crystal Palace. The cruciform palace was constructed of standard cast and wrought iron pieces, none over 24 feet long or weighing more than ton (Briggs, 1988). They supported 900,000 square feet of glass panes that were at the time the biggest ever manufactured. The enclosed floor space was 772,824 square feet: room for nearly 14,000 exhibitors from around the world, featuring everything from raw materials and massive machinery for mining and manufacturing to fine arts and finished -products for daily use. Prefabrication allowed the building to be erected in nine months; it also meant the palace could be taken down as scheduled and rebuilt in expanded form as cultural center in Sydenham, south London, where it survived until 1936 when it was destroyed in fire (Briggs 1988: ch. 2). One of the English lithographers, William Sharp introduced the chromo-lithography to America. Sharp moved to Boston in the late 1830s. He created the first chromolithograph in 1840 by printing the portrait of the congregation's minister, the Reverend F. W, P. Greenwood from two or perhaps three lithographic stone. Later in 1870, John H. Bufford, masterly craftsman achieved stunning realism on crayon-style images. "Hallmarks of Bufford designs were meticulous and convincing tonal drawing and the integration of image and lettering into unified design" (Philip, 1998). Bufford kept artistic direction responsibilities in his whole life. Louis Prang (1824-1909), German immigrant to America who was the most plentiful

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Importance of Cash Management in Small to Medium Sized Businesses Essay

Importance of Cash Management in Small to Medium Sized Businesses - Essay Example Cash management is important to SME as it regulates cash flow and prevents prolonged cash shortages that result from too much difference between cash inflows and cash outflows.3 Cash inflows come from customers, lenders and investors, while cash outflows include payments made to suppliers, creditors and as employee salaries. Negative cash flow occurs when cash outflow is more than cash inflow (due to several reasons such as weak debtor collections, outdated inventory, etc.); in such a situation, the SME is forced to borrow money from lenders, otherwise it will be in bad trouble – the main source of which is non-payment of dues to creditors, suppliers and employees. SME do their best to avoid this scenario and instead strive to attain a positive cash flow, which takes place when the cash inflow is more than the cash outflow. The overall aim of the SME is to generate profit. But the amount of profit earned is meaningless if the SME does not experience a positive cash flow, simpl y because it is possible to spend cash, not Cash management techniques of SME and consumers are similar in several ways, while they also differ in many ways. SME cannot therefore practice all techniques as consumers and vice versa. There are 5 cash techniques of consumers that SME can practice, as these are sound methods conducive towards generating a positive cash flow as well as profit for the enterprise. Firstly, it is important and practical to prepare a cash flow projection for a certain period (usually 6 months), forecasting the income and expenditure over that period.5 Secondly, it is a good practice to set aside a certain amount as emergency fund to be used in case of unexpected developments.6 Thirdly, leasing of equipment presents a better alternative as compared to purchase, as the former does not result in cash blockage that is caused by the latter.7 Fourthly, the overall aim is to create profit (savings in case of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Popular Music Youth And Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Popular Music Youth And Education - Essay Example According to this paper the author further gives a detailed explanation of the relationship between popular music and education. In this section, the need to integrate pop music in education is overly emphasised. The author concludes the essay by giving an overview of the general importance of music. Autobiographical account of the author’s relationship with music. It makes a conclusion that from the foregoing discourse, it has been established that music surrounds our day to day activities in our diverse cultures. The most outstanding outcome of this essay is that music has a great impact on the academic performance of individuals. Available studies reveal that about 90% of individuals with post graduate degrees participated in music education during their school days. Similarly, schools that spent a big chunk of money on music education post very impressive academic performance in general. It has been indicated that music education increases one's success in the society because such people rarely get involved with drugs and substance abuse. This argument is further supported by research findings that indicate that an education in music increases overall brain activity. Moreover, children that are exposed to music at an early stage in their development possess better reasoning skills than their counterparts who had a different orientation. It is for this reason that students who are good in math, science, and engineering have a craving for music.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Earthquake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Earthquake - Essay Example on, an Earthquake is but a tremor/vibration of the Earths crust as a result of frictional movement of the lithospheric plates underneath the earth’s surface. As alluded to in the definition, the immediate cause of earthquakes is the sudden release of huge amounts of pent-up energy as a result of cracks in the earths crust due to collision of huge masses of rocks against one another. Other causes of earthquakes include falling huge rocks, volcanic eruptions, landslides and explosions. The extent of such are, however, limited to certain geographic localities. With favorable geologic conditions, powerful earthquakes spread shock waves hundreds of miles away from the originating points, in effect releasing pulses of energy, that most often inflict immeasurable destructive effects. Such is the sort of disaster that befell Japan on March 11, 2011 when an enormous earthquake, estimated by the Meteorological authorities on the Richter scale to be 9.0 in magnitude struck, spreading 81 miles along the nation’s northeastern coast. The rare and complex double quake that lasted about 3 minutes moved Japan a few meters east, with the local coas tline also sinking half a metre. The forces of the tremor, one among the most disastrous over the last century, sparked off a giant wave, the tsunami, that t caused even much more damage than the quake itself; inundating roughly 560 sq. km with property estimated to be well over $300 billion, and in particular, causing a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, resulting in radioactive leaks that claimed more of the nearly 20, 000

Thursday, August 22, 2019

James Madison's 51st Federalist Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

James Madison's 51st Federalist Paper - Essay Example However, the framers identified certain realistic problems in making all offices elective. Especially, the judicial branch would face problems because the typical person does not have knowledge about what qualifications judges ought to have. Judges must have great capability, but also not have any political pressures. While federal judges are selected for life, their philosophy will not be inclined via the president who appoints them or the senators whose permission the president will take. All the arguments were generated due to his past life as he was in aristocratic family in Port Conway so his thinking was also very refined. His personal background did not have anything do with any kind of discrimination of race, class and gender. The background which affected his thinking was his education, refined family background and experience which he gained from Thomas Jefferson Madison's writings are filled with figurative and fancy language. In today's terms, a faction is a special interest group. They are a lot of groups of citizens who make a try to advance their thoughts or economic interests at the cost of other citizens or by methods that conflict with the public good. To be in command of a minority faction, there are two alternatives. One alternative could be to eliminate whatever is the reason behind the rise of the faction. Nevertheless, this is impractical. Thus, a second proposal was prepared. In this proposal Madison states that in order to have power over factions one does not need to its causes, but control its effectiveness. James Madison's Federalist, No. 51, is a transparent expression of views and guiding principle for a new government. He was a strong devotee and member of the Federalists whose key beliefs supported the Constitution. They also thought that the Articles of Confederation required rewriting so that it would be possible for the new central government to control the power of the states. Madison begins possibly the most well-known of the Federalist papers, Federalist No.51, by stating that one of the strongest arguments in favor of the Constitution is the fact that it establishes a government capable of controlling the violence and damage caused by factions. Madison believes that the factions are groups who get together to defend and support their special economic interests as well as political opinions. Even though these factions are different from each other, they often work in opposition to the public interests, and violate the rights of others. Equally supporters as well as opponents of the plan are troubled by the political instability which is caused by opponent factions. The state governments have not been successful in resolving this issue; in fact the state of affairs is so challenging that people are disappointed with all politicians and hold government the reasonable for their troubles. As a result, a kind of popular government that can deal effectively with this crisis has a lot to suggest it. Given the temperament of man, factions are predictable. As long as every man has diverse opinions, have unequal wealth, and have different amount of property, they will carry on socializing with people who more like them. Both severe and small reasons account for the creation of factions however the most vital foundation of faction is the unequally distributed property. Men

Jean Piaget Essay Example for Free

Jean Piaget Essay This case study is on a young girl named Debby. She was observed in a at her parent’s home over the last weekend. She is 3 years of age. She is the only child, and lives with both parents. She has her own bedroom. She loves anything Disney princesses, she also does not like dark colors, bright colors are her favorite and she likes the color pink. She like playing with dolls, playing kitchen, and she told me that her favorite thing was to ride in mummy’s car. Debby dislikes playing trucks and boy’s game, she did not have any problem playing with boys or girls  but while observed at a birthday party, she rather plays with girls, than to play with boys. She also does not like dark colors, bright colors are her favorite. She does go to speech therapy to work on her words as both parents are actively working professionals. Debby is a very fascinating young girl, and it was exciting to do a case study over her. For a child of age four, Debby is very active. Debby is average for her physical development. Debby is physically fit, and enjoys playing with others when. Because she was observed at their at home, some questions were directed to her mother. According to a growth  and weight chart, the average height for a 3 year old girl is 37 inches. Debby is 38 inches in height, and she weighs 36 pounds (CDC growth chart. ) Debby is a very active child. She enjoys running around every chance that she gets. When playing outside Debby can kick, throw, bounce, and catch a ball adequately. She is developing her eye-hand coordination. When asking her to do these tasks, Debby is able to run, she can hop on both feet, and she can jump up and down. She needs more time to get skipping down, but she tries her best. Debby is able to dress and undress herself without assistance. Debby likes the  independence of being able to pick out her clothes that she wants to wear. She is very comfortable using iPad and some other operating electronics in the house. One of her favorite activities to do is to paint and draw. While painting, she likes to make a mess, because she thinks that it is fun to paint with her hands. Debby is in the Pre- operational stage cognitively. Pre-operational stage is from ages 2 to 7, and Debby fits in this category, because she is 3 years old. Cognitively, Debby is in the normal category, because according to develop mentalists she is developing normal for her age. Examples are that Debby knows how to write letters in the alphabet. She knows how to write her name, she just does not know the correct order the letters go in. She is able to count, she is a good listener, and she is becoming interested in how to sound out certain words. These are just a few cognitive abilities, which are normal for 3 year olds. As each year passes, and as Debby continues to get older, cognitively she will continue to progress. Debby’s Language Development is improving. Debby does attend speech therapy. When she talks sometimes you really have to listen hard to what she is saying. When she gets excited  about something, she will start talking really fast, and we have to remind her to slow down. When she gets upset, she will normally start crying, so she is encouraged to use her words to explain what is wrong. Though sometimes, she say something which she means the opposite. Her basic speech problems are annunciation, and getting some sounds confused with one another. For example b’s and d’s. Speech has really helped her, she has only been going for a little over two months, and we can already see a drastic change in her words. On occasions, you will find Debby talking or discussing with herself. According to her  mother, she usually does this when she is trying to figure something out. I enjoyed watching this taking place. I also tried to test her about her memory and recollection. I asked her about what she does on her birthday because her birthday was the previous Sunday. She was able to tell me how mummy took her to the park. Her thinking ability is very superb Cognitively, Debby is s in the normal category for a 3 year old. In the Jean Piaget theory, she is in the pre-operational stage. She loves going to school and also like to try new thing. She is well behaved and according to mum, she always goes around to greet both the teachers and  students alike whenever she is entering or leaving the school. Debby is rapidly developing many social and emotional abilities and skills. Her growth and behavior reflects the abilities that are expected of her age. Debby is developing rapidly and cognitively, she is developing normally. On the issue of Moral development, there are some cases that she knows what is right. She has begun to know right from wrong. She has started to find others opinions of self to be important. Like on Sunday in church after service, their pastor came around to say hello and he greeted he by saying â€Å"what’s up men? † but she replied â€Å"I’m not a man, I’m a girl† everybody there just laugh at the way she responded. She possesses a lot self-controlling and is less aggressive but sometimes uses verbal threats like â€Å"you will be in trouble† or â€Å"I will slap you† but to my understanding, she did not even know the meaning of those words. I enjoyed my case study on Debby. Through it, I was able to learn many penetrating strategies to see and understand if children are progressing adequately, according to their age throughout the early stages of their life. It is crucial that children progress accordingly so they do  not fall behind in school and in life. After doing this case study I now know what tips and signs to look for when deciding if a child is progressing in all aspects of life. Debby compared to an average 3 year old is normal, her age and behavior are well correlated. I am amazed with her memory. I overheard her singing a Nigerian folklore and I asked he to sing it for us again and she did not miss too much from the lyrics. Debby is in Piaget Preoperational Stage as she was able to think about things symbolically and her language use becoming more mature but her still not completely logical. Also, Debby belongs to the Musculo-Anal in the Eriksons Stages of Development because she is self-sufficient in many activities, including toileting, she can feed herself, walking, and her talking is becoming clearer. I really enjoyed observing Debby, it was a great experience and I hope to put it into practice in my field of study. Works Cited Use Of World Health Organization And CDC Growth Charts For Children Aged 0-59 Months In The United States. MMWR Recommendations Reports 59. RR-9 (2010): 1-14. Consumer Health Complete EBSCOhost. Web. 19 Apr. 2014.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Indian Construction Industry Construction Essay

The Indian Construction Industry Construction Essay Abstract The project mainly depends on the health and safety issues in India and UK construction industry. The Construction industry contributes most of the countrys economy for both UK and India. At the same time the issues related to health and safety is increasing in both the countries. The measures taken on workers safety are insufficient even though workers play a major role in all construction projects. This dissertation mainly focuses on the health and safety of the workers involved in construction projects. During this process the researcher has well understood about the construction industry and has collected background information about the UK construction and Indian construction industry in order to make a sufficient development in the construction industry. In this process the researcher has compared the health and safety issues of the UK and Indian construction industry. For this research, the researcher has used the secondary data research, since the methodology is genuine and it was arduous task to gather materials through books, journals and articles. Chapter I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Construction industry provides employment for around 180 million people and contributes 7% of global employment. The industry is tarnished for its reputation as Dirty, Difficulty and Dangerous the three Ds (Murie, 2007, pp. 5 7). According to International labour organization, the industry which accounts 7% of the global employment is responsible for 30 to 40 percent of worlds fatal injuries. The Construction industry is not a homogeneous sector due to its nature of work involved. It is composed of various competitive firms; the majority is who brought together for one, bespoke project before transferring to other projects. Construction industrys characteristics are in controversial behaviour, lack of co-ordination, lack of customer focus, deprived co-ordination and lack of investment in research and development. In most of the building projects clients raise their demands and cut down the initial capital and ongoing operational and maintenance costs set against an already competitive industry. Construction organisations are under pressure to develop or implement innovative technologies and practices in order to satisfy their demands (sexton et al, 2005). Construction industry has a poor reputation for lack of innovation, and for being slow to adopt new technologies. Occurrence of large number of fatal accidents and poor health and safety concern of the labourers is the main drawback of construction industry. As per International Labour Organization (ILO), in construction industry the rate of fatal accidents is 60,000 per year. Also about 30% of labourers are affected by health problems such as musculoskeletal disorders, back pains and other bone related health issues. All the construction industries are temporary in nature. In most of the projects the progress is delayed mainly due to human errors, which results in contract penalties. The employees of construction industry have a great value at all levels, in particular the construction site managers and the foremen as they have the main responsibility to maintain health and safety in the construction sites. It is very important to be updated with regards to the new legislations and recent developments (Hughes and Ferret, 2008). The main concern over number of years of health and safety issues in construction industry particularly in 2006/2007 when there was a rapid increase of 28% in construction fatalities. The legal health and safety requirements for all places are of numerous and complex. (Hughes and Ferret, 2008). 1.2 Background of the study India is the second fastest growing economy of the world at present. India has recorded one of the highest growth rates in the 1990s (P.R. Swarup. 2006-07).Construction industry in India is the second largest industry. The construction industry employs around 17.62 million worker shall comprise 55% of the unskilled, 27% skilled labour and rest consists of support and technical staff (Kulkarni, 2007). Even though there is a great increase work force, the industry remained labour intensive due to financial constraints often employs hazardous technology and relatively inexpensive this is particularly true for unorganized small scale sectors (Brindha, 2005) The construction projects often face complex situations due to bad weather conditions. Most of the workers in this industry are drawn from low income groups who face predictable occupational injuries and illness. The construction workers die from work related trauma at a rate three times higher and suffer from dermatologic conditions, hearing loss, musculoskeletal, and lung diseases when compare to workers from other industries. In particular, the national cost from lost production, worker compensation and medical care and other related claims remains very high, which contributed cost $7billion annually (NIH, 1993). In India, there are no authentic data in respect of the accident rates, and the prevention and causes taken by the industry. However, one study reported 165 per 1000 workers get injured during construction activities. This is very high compared to the rates in the developed countries and even certain developing countries (Damodaran, 2006). In India, the construction industry is regulated by the following acts. The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulations of Employment and Conduct of Service) Act, 1996. The Building and Other Construction Workers Cess Act, 1996, The Contract Labour Act, 1970. The Inter-State Migrant Labourers of Employment Conditions of Service Act, 1979. Construction workers do not get benefit under the Employees State Insurance Act 1948, but are covered by the Workman Compensation Act, 1923 (Parveen Patil, 2009). The Britains Construction Industry is said to be one of the safest in Europe, and industry is in a period of strong growth with the infrastructure and constructive sectors. The UK construction sector output is the second largest in Europe and contributes about 8.2% of the nations Gross Value Added and 8% of Gross Domestic Product and construction outputs of  £102.4 billion at current percent. The UK construction industry employs more than 2 million people, this is because the mature of work they do have a high incidence of occupational health (Health and Safety, 2011). The Construction industry provides an essential material for homes, schools, hospitals, industries, roads and railways etc. In UK, the laws are strict which encourages the workers to eliminate the accidents. In addition, the preference for health and safety is much higher in UK, than the many other countries and also provide regular Health and Safety training for site supervisors and project engineers. 1.3 Statement of the problem Most of the construction projects are often results in cost delay in completion, due to the fatalities involved in the construction site. The construction workers The construction workers are more prone to accidents, thus the industry is considered as one of the most hazardous industrial sectors. In India, the report from International Labour Organization (ILO, 2009) revealed that every year nearly 50,000 Indian die from illness or work related accidents and in particular construction activities, on an average, 165 workers are injured. However, these figures are higher than UK (Tony Baxendale et al, 2000). In developed countries like United Kingdom, there is strict legal enforcement of safety in the construction industry and also in the implementation of safety management systems which are designed to minimize or eliminate accidents at work place. Safety and health in the Indian construction industry has lagged behind most other industries as evidenced by its disproportional high rate of accidents. There are annual at least 60,000 fatal accidents on construction sites around the world, according to an ILO report published for World Day for saf ety and Health at Work, 2005

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Purpose And Production Of Movie Posters

Purpose And Production Of Movie Posters A poster can be defined as a placard or bill, usually large and often incorporating photographs or illustrations, posted up for advertising or publicity or for decorative purposes. The functions of those which advertise include communication, selling and persuading. This does not preclude them being decorative. Indeed the first job of a poster is to attract the attention of the passerby and only once this is done can a message be delivered. A good poster then is one which is attention-grabbing, succinct, convincing and memorable. To achieve these aims designers may use a large format and bold colour, simple and minimal text and attractive illustrations which psychologically support and reinforce the written words. At the same time designers must consider the constraints imposed by the methods and places of display and competition from other posters whose messages may be as urgent and emphatic. Poster design combines the fine and applied arts, incorporating painting, graphic design, collage, and photography. In countries where television is not a major advertising medium, the poster remains a transient yet effective means of reaching the widest audience on behalf of culture, commerce, and ideology. Posters have become an integral part of the cityscape. They are pasted next to each other on large plywood hoardings attached to windowless walls of old buildings or onto fences surrounding parks and construction sites. Officially designated for poster display, these well-kept colourful quilts of public billboards not only disseminate information on cultural, sports, and political events but also serve as constantly changing outdoor exhibitions of graphic art. Through such widespread and continuous exposure, poster design has become one of the most accessible and effective art forms, reaching out and influencing even that part of the public that does not frequent museums or galleries. In juried exhibitions, the best posters achieve national exposure, and for many graphic artists, book illustration and poster design are important vehicles for a wider recognition of their personal style both at home and abroad. A feature common to all the designers is their striving for self-expression in an environment that demands political conformity. They seem intent on designing posters that have an emotional impact and appeal to the sense but that also challenge the viewer to an intellectual response. Their imagery includes lyrical and neo-surrealist overtones, drama, irony, or playful humor, and the message is delivered in a variety of styles. A poster constitutes a mirror for the times it is created in. Like a mirror it reflects the political and the social situation, it informs about the repertoire of movie theaters and dramatic theaters, it announces sporting events, it encourages purchasing certain goods. The socio-political poster plays a specific propaganda role. Those who commission it expect that effective impact of the work of art upon the viewer will allow them to get closer to their desired goal. The goal varies depending on the circumstances: winning a war, or a presidential election, or a parliamentary campaign; a struggle to alter social behaviours or attitudes. History of the art of movie poster Cinema and film posters are the physical incarnation of the special movies we have enjoyed through the years. Although there is a big market for collecting film posters, they were never intended or created to be sold to the public. They were merely meant to promote and entice viewers to come to the local theatres that were screening the films. Today these rare original movie posters are in great demand. They are the tangible souvenirs of favourite films and stars whose characters we fell in love with. Ironically in the early days of movie making actors were not usually depicted on the film posters. The title of the film and the producer and directors names were usually the attraction until Hollywood realized that it was the actors who brought in the viewers. It was at that time that the stars of movies were then plastered on each poster giving life to a new era in the film industry. Movie posters created before the eighties were mainly returned to the studios or poster sources and destroyed when the archives became full or the films run had ended. Unfortunately many early film posters made for hit movies such as Casablanca, King Kong, Frankenstein and The Wizard of Oz were destroyed as a result of natural disasters that occurred during World War II. As people became more aware of their value theatre owners began to ignore return policies and those film posters that were spared are widely sought today by collectors and dealers. Before 1940, each film studio maintained its own offices (or exchange) in every major city. The studios would send the films and their posters to all the exchanges and from there; they would be distributed to the surrounding theatres. The big city theatres would just go to the exchange and pick up the films and posters right before they would show them (for big films they might order extra posters in advance of the opening to create an elaborate display). Theatres in smaller towns would often receive their films via Greyhound bus, which back then serviced just about every town in the country. The films would be in containers that would have the posters (often just one or two one-sheets and a set of lobby cards) tucked in a pouch on the outside of the container. Most theatres would show a film for 3 or 4 days (as part of a program that might include 2 features, a cartoon, a newsreel, and possibly a serial chapter), and then send it on (via bus) to the next theatre. Often the theatre manager would put the film on a late night bus right after his last showing and it would arrive at the next theatre the following morning, in time to be displayed for that nights show. The film might go by bus through a circuit of many theatres before returning to an exchange. After the film returned to the exchange, it would go back out to other theatres, and often the posters had to be replaced, as they were torn and tattered from being put up and taken down several times. This more than anything explains why posters from before 1940 are extremely rare. Theatre owners couldnt give their posters to collectors, no matter how hard they begged, because they were needed at the next theatre. This whole system of having to deal with each studio separately might sound very inefficient, but remember that in the 1920s and 1930s many theatres were owned by the studios and so only showed that studios product; and most of the independents would only get their films from a couple of studios, so it wasnt that complicated. But if all the posters were returned with the films, how are there any posters at all from before 1940? For one thing, one type of poster, window cards (14 x 22) were bought in large quantities by an individual theatre and (after they added their name and play dates to the top) distributed to store windows around town. Those were given away after the film was done playing. Another way they survive is in the backs of old picture frames, for framers would often use window cards (obtainable for free) as backing boards. But as for other posters remaining today, a huge amount come from other countries, for those did not have to be returned to the U.S.; at the time, the value of the posters was less than the cost of the postage to return them. There have been huge finds of pre-1940 U.S. posters in Canada, Columbia, and many other countries. In addition there have been some great finds in the U.S., such as the Cozy Theater Collection in Los Angeles. This was a theatre that maintained its own exchange of posters from the early 1930s to the 1950s for distribution to Los Angeles theatres. In 1968 the theatre owner offered his entire collection of posters (containing tens of thousands of posters and lobby cards, and hundreds of thousands of stills) for sale for $25,000, and it was hard to find a buyer! At todays prices, the collection would sell for millions of dollars. Other than the huge finds (which probably account for 90% of the pre-1938 posters known), posters also are sometimes found in one other main way. In the 1910s and 1920s (and to a lesser extent in the 1930s), builders would often look for material to put within the walls of buildings (or under the floors) to serve as insulation. Some enterprising builders hooked up with poster exchanges to take large amounts of outdated posters and put them in the walls of their new homes. I know of at least ten occasions where someone has been remodelling their house in the 1990s and discovered posters in the walls or under the floor. Sometimes they are mouldy and mildewed and require large amounts of restoration, but sometimes they are so tightly pressed together that they survive in relatively excellent condition. The vast majority of pre-1938 posters known were found in one of the above ways. Very rarely a theatre owner (such as the legendary Charles Dyas, who started collecting in 1922) might order extra posters to keep, or someone who had access to posters might keep a particular poster as a keepsake, but by and large absolutely everybody who handled posters viewed them as disposable advertising, much like newspapers. Old newspapers (like comics books or baseball cards) survive in quantity only because they were sold by the millions, and some people never throw out anything. Movie posters, on the other hand, were never obtainable by the general public. It does seem particularly amazing that the studios themselves never thought to maintain an archive of their posters. In recent years some of them have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars buying back a tiny percentage of the posters that they literally sold for pennies each! am not understating the rarity of pre-1938 posters when I say that for at least a large number of films not a single poster or lobby card is known, and for many others only lobby cards or window cards are known. It is very unusual to find a film from before 1938 from a major studio on which more than ten copies of a one-sheet is known. (Posters from lesser studios are often found in large quantity because when the studio goes out of business they often have hundreds of copies of each poster on hand. An example is the Norman Film Company, which made all-black cast films. Huge supplies of these posters were found, and they are among the most common of all silent posters.) The system of every studio maintaining its own supply of posters in every one of its branch offices became very cumbersome, and in 1940, National Screen Service was formed. Warehouses (called poster exchanges) were set up in most major cities across the U.S., and each studio contributed its posters from the last couple of years to get it started (Exchanges definitely had posters from 1937-39 in abundance, but nothing like the quantities they would have of post-1940 material. The exchanges had virtually nothing from before 1937, which explains the vast rarity difference between pre-1937 and post-1940 material. For each new release in 1940, the printers put National Screen Service (NSS) numbers on the bottom right of every poster. For 1940 only, they used a first number that began with 40, followed by a slash mark and more numbers (for example 4011/524). The 40 referred to 1940, and the rest of the numbers referred to in what order the poster had been printed, to make it easier for people to find the posters when stored in a large warehouse (many films had similar or the same titles). In 1941, the simplified the code to be just 41, followed by a slash mark and three numbers (for example 41/245). This was unfortunate, for in the present day it has resulted in acknowledgeable collectors assuming that they had a limited edition poster (in the previous case, #41 out of an edition of 245). This system continued all the way through the late 1970s, and makes identifying the year of 1940-1979 posters extremely easy. It also makes identifying re-issues simple, for they would put the re-issue year in the NSS number, and put a big capital R in front of it. So in the above example, if the 1941 film, NSS #41/245, was re-issued in 1954, it would have a new number such as R54/621. It appears each exchange received a huge number of each poster (at least). I say this for two reasons. One is the economics of full-colour printing are such that once you get the presses rolling, it is very cheap to keep on printing, and it is much more expensive to reprint items. Thus, it just would not make sense to print less than say five or ten thousand of a full-colour item. Second, when exchanges were bought out in the 1960s (see below), it was not at all uncommon for a single exchange to have well over 100 of a single item, even after years of distributing that item. Of course there was not an even distribution of items, but I think it fair to say that for most items that were in exchanges, hundreds of each survives today. I also think it fair to say that for most pre-1937 items less than ten of each survive today (with the exception of those items that were found in huge quantities, such as the Norman Film Company posters). In the 1940s, the studios would charge a rental fee to the theatre, which would return the poster after using it (hence the warning that has frightened collectors for years, beginning This poster is the property of National Screen Service). At some point NSS realized that it was easier to just print more posters and sell them outright (probably this was due to rising postal rates. I have owned many posters that were mailed folded in the 1940s, without an envelope, and the cost was three cents!) I have brochures from exchanges from the early 1960s, where they offer new one-sheets for 25 cents each, with other prices on other sizes. The brochure might say 1964 and 1965 one-sheets, 25 cents each, 1963 and earlier 15 cents each! This shows they had no clue that these posters had collectible value, but also that there were next to no collectors before the early 1960s (just like comic book collecting). The few collectors there were in the 1950s kept buying all the posters they could afford from exchanges and didnt talk about it. Then in the mid-1960s, some enterprising individuals began to buy the individual poster exchanges. I have no idea what they paid, but I have no doubt it was an absolute steal, as the exchanges thought they had warehouses full of practically worthless old paper. (Of course I admire these individuals, for that one business decision made them, financially set for life. They saw an opportunity no one else saw, and they took advantage of it.) The new owners began offering old posters at collectors prices, usually around $1.00 or $1.50 for an older one-sheet. They did next to no advertising, and they often sold a great deal to the local collectors, who heard about them by word of mouth. Some individuals, such as Tanner Miles, would buy posters from the exchanges in huge quantities and try to double their money at collectible shows. (My own personal introduction to movie posters came in 1968 at an Oklahoma City collectibles show, where I, being a full-time comic book dealer, was intrigued b y the many boxes of movie posters I saw at Tanner Miles tables. I spent over $40 with him, a huge amount of money for me at the time, and I went home with a large box of posters and lobby sets). But it didnt take long for the dealers to see that they were rapidly running out of the most popular titles (particularly horror and sci-fi) and they started raising prices on popular titles. The two exchanges that were best organized and sold the most posters to collectors were Theatre Poster Exchange in Memphis, Tennessee, and Movie Poster Service in Canton, Oklahoma (both are still in business and both give excellent service). I remember seeing better quality posters priced at $20 in the early 1970s, and wondering how much higher prices could go! But it is important to realize that pre-1937 posters were always scarce, even in 1965. I remember seeing a Valentino lobby card in 1969, and the price was $20, when virtually no post-1940 item sold for as much. The price was high because even then, silent items were virtually unheard of. I have heard old-time collectors talk of the days when they bought Frankenstein and Dracula lobby sets from exchanges, but I know this never happened (ma ybe it was House of Frankenstein and House of Dracula and the stories got embellished over the years). Sometime in the late 1970s, those who printed movie posters began printing huge numbers of extra posters which they did not fold in the regular way, but instead left unfolded (rolled). It is not clear to me if this was done with the studios permission or knowledge, or if it was done independently by the printers. I would think it may well have started around the time of Star Wars or especially Return/Revenge of the Jedi, when these posters instantly began selling for collectible prices. Maybe someone contacted someone at the printers and persuaded them to print a bunch of extra posters. Unfortunately if this was done without the studios knowledge, then well probably never know the full story, for the principals involved are unlikely to admit to it. At this time, several collectibles dealers became tied to whoever supplied rolled one-sheets, and began offering them to collectors. The odd thing is that it remained a very clandestine business, shrouded in mystery. Even today, I have no idea who prints the rolled one sheets, how they can be contacted, how they can be purchased directly, and so forth. Of course those who act as middlemen for distributing these posters dont want the answers to get out, but its just a matter of time before it happens. The artist given credit for creating the movie poster was Jules Cheret who created two posters in the 1890s. One was a film short called Projections Artistiques, and the other a Theatre program called Pantomimes Lumineuses. During this early time movie posters would not contain the title of a film short but just the name of the company who made them. 1896 marked the first time a poster would be made for a specific movie and not just a movie company. The film was called LArroseur Arrose. It was about a kid getting into trouble with a water hose spraying a gardener. The 1900s would mark the beginning of the utilization of modern film techniques which would be used in the American movie The Great Train Robbery. The movie only last eleven minutes and was extremely popular. By the end of the first decade of the last century movies had become a great source of entertainment for the public with movie companies growing in greater numbers. From this time period, the movie poster would get a standard size known as the one sheet measuring 27 x 41. The Genesis of the Modern Film Poster A common format of the film posters from the period preceding the Nickelodeon Boom of 1905-6 was what Kathryn Helgessen Fuller refers to as the audience image. (Kathryn, 1999) From Edisons 1901 poster for a Vitascope exhibition in Birmingham to a Cook and Harris advertisement for a 1905 showing at the Elks Opera House in New York, the audience is shown in almost stock fashion in these images, namely, enthralled by the wonder of the new medium. On these grounds, Fuller identifies the audience image with what Tom Gunning has called the cinema of attractions, a mode of spectatorship and film production which preceded the arrival of narrative cinema and in which the apparatus and its illusion of motion was itself the star attraction (Tom, 1990). In these terms, the audience functions in conjunction with a larger attempt to foreground the apparatus and the uncanny illusion of reality it produced rather than to advertise the content of the film. The latter is utilized only secondarily, that is, only in so far as it magnifies the former (Michal, 1992). While Fuller is eager to establish the virtual disappearance of the audience image from film advertising as coinciding with the movement away from actualities and toward narrative cinema, the audience does not necessarily disappear from film posters after the first decade of the twentieth century (Sandy, 1994). Rather, they that take on a new role, one that is best illustrated by a Mutual Movies ad from 1913. Here, the audience is divorced from the apparatus. Gone are the catatonic viewers of the Edison images. Instead, these well-dressed filmgoers serve to assuage the fear of the middle class audience that theatre owners were now courting and to counter campaigns waged by activists like Jane Addams who saw the Nickelodeon as a house of vice. While the waning of the 19th-century fascination and astonishment with the cinematic apparatus certainly transformed the audience image, its disappearance only occurs after the middle class audience had been successfully procured by the film ind ustry (Sandy, 1994). From this point on, it is the moving image itself, rather than the apparatus or the spectators that comes to take precedence 87 in publicity material. As the pair of posters for D.W. Griffith 1915 film Birth of A Nation illustrate, for the most part, this meant either lithographs which took from the circus and other promotional material a bold and dramatic style, or posters based upon still photographs from the film (David, 1995). It is crucial to understand this movement toward the still in the context of the 1909 drive of the Motion Picture Patent Company (MPPC) to consolidate and standardize distribution and exhibition (Pafic News Service, 1995). First, through what Richard Abel calls a combined strategy of lawsuits and licensing and second, through the formation of the conglomerate General Film Company in 1910, the MPPC established film distribution and exhibition as, for all intents and purposes, a closed market(Nancy, 1999). In light of this consolidation, underway in virtually all aspects of the industry, the still offered an additional benefit. Since producing ads for specific theatres would be impractical for a company such as the GFC, which served an extensive and diverse group of exhibitors, the still presented an image devoid of the geographical specificity of the audience image, one that could be mass produced without variation. What ensues is a standardization that begins with the reconfiguration of the poster itself. For example, in 1909, the Klame Company began creating pos ters in dimensions that would be equal to the size of eight lobby cards (seven scenes and a title card), allowing streamlined shipping and standardized lobby displays (Engineering News-Record, 1999). The standardization of form was followed by the standardization of content as printers such as Hernegan and Donaldson in Cincinnati created a line of stock posters that represented the prevailing subjects of the films of the time and that could easily be tweaked to represent a given show (Alan, 1999). With shipping expedited and printing costs minimized, film manufacturers soon began sending vast quantities of literatureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦free to every exhibitor,(Moving Picture world, 1911) and trade publications such as Moving Picture World began offering advice to exhibitors on lobby displays, promotional tie-ins and publicity stunts (Parsons, 1927). In an article entitled Theatre Managers, Wake Up! the trade journal encourages the obsessive decoration of the Nickelodeon It is all well en ough to let the storefront make the circus display outside his place in order to attract a crowd (Parsons, 1927). However, the shift from the audience image to the still image initiated a standardization that does not alone account for the interconnectedness or metonymic exchange between image and film that began this inquiry. The latter must be understood in conjunction with an exhibition practice that preceded both the establishment of conglomerates and subsequent standardization of exhibition. As Tom Gunning points out, it was common practice in the 19th century to begin a showing with a projected still image which would, after a dramatic pause, suddenly be granted movement (Tom, 1999). In fact; Albert E. Smith developed a water cell between the film and the light source that would allow the projector to hold the still without catching fire precisely for this purpose (Andre While the aesthetic of astonishment and the cinema of attractions were relatively short-lived modes of spec tatorship, this residual connection between the still and its magical transformation gained a new currency within the film poster. In focusing on dramatic, climactic scenes, posters such as Griffiths Birth of A Nation presented images that were themselves caught between motion and stillness and as such asked the audience to internally re-enact this early practice. From the point of view of spectatorship, the result of this standardization between images in combination with the implied motion of the still itself is a peculiar displacement that Andrà © Bazin would later diagnosis as the art of not seeing films. In a 1944 article of the same name, Bazin, perhaps the ultimate cinephile, makes the provocative claim that a film can be legitimately be read, at least with seventy-five percent accuracy, by the posters which advertise it. In essence, by reading the image through an elaborate graphology the image gives way to the film proper and in those cases where the film one sees through the poster is of inferior quality one can safely choose not to attend its showing. Seeing the film no longer necessitates the theatre or even the film itself. The arrival of the still as the dominant graphical reference to film experience in combination with the standardization or codification of advertising practices make possible the metonymic exchange between the poster and the moving image of the film. With the web of standardization established between images, the film poster appropriates the ability of the filmic image, both moving and still, to exceed itself only to recuperate this excess elsewhere. This inquiry has focused on the poster and obviously each visual mode of extension constitutes its own unique discourse that must be approached on its own terms. However, one cant help but think that in a general sense it is this dispersal, endemic to the filmic form and perfected with the commercialization of the film industry, that grants film, a by now thoroughly antiquated technology, its continued relevance and vitality. In these terms, the evolution we have traced through the film poster is not all together different from the curre nt migration of the cinematic across media and in turn time and space. The artefact that Barthes finds in the trail of posters is therefore both the anomalous element within our conventional understanding of the cinematic experience and also a record of the past. The latter, however, points simultaneously back to the birth of commercial cinema at the same time it prefigures the migration of the cinema across digitized formats where the materiality of the film and its space of presentation bring this process of portability to near completion. The Change of movie posters over decades 1910s 1920s In the early days movie stars werent known, so the names of actors did not appear on the posters. Besides the movie studios liked it that way so they wouldnt have to pay more money to actors. Things certainly have changed with actors like Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Bruce Willis commonly getting checks over or around 20 million dollars per movie. During this early period in movie history movie studios realized that movie stars were as much an attraction for the moviegoer as the movie itself. So the movie star was born, and movie posters started showcasing the names of the actors as well as the title of the movie. The bigger the star the bigger their name appeared on the poster. Other promotional materials were soon used such as the lobby card and the press book. In the 1920s, the golden age of the silent movies, posters became more artistic and spectacular. Accomplished Artists were hired to paint portraits of the stars for the movie studios to be used as movie posters. By the mid 1920s talkies as they were called were introduced. Movie attendance shot up to 110 million by 1929 from 60 million in 1927. During this time movie poster images would become sharper due to a new printing process by the Morgan Litho Company. 1930s The Golden Age of Movies as it is known in the movie industry saw the beginning of great musicals, gangster movies, westerns, and horror movies created for the growing public hunger for movies. One of the biggest money makers of all time came from the end of this decade, a little picture called Gone with the Wind. Two styles of movie poster were created, one sheets and half sheets. Major movies would sometimes get more than the two different styles. However due to the depression of the time a lot of movie materials had been created more cheaply, causing movie posters to lose some of the quality as they had previously. 1940s 1950s World War II came and war movies were the biggest theme for movies of the time. A number of movie stars joined the military and the entire industry did what they could for the war effort. The movie industry cut advertising costs using cheaper paper for posters due to the paper shortage of the war time. The 1950s would see the invention of the movie industrys biggest competitor, the television set. The movie industry came out with bigger screens for large scale movies like Ben Hur, and 3-D movies. Drive-in movies were at their peak, and movie posters adopted a style of the new fan magazines with colour photographs of the major movie stars and large stock lettering. 1960s 1970s Teen movies were the big thing in the early sixties. Beach movies and Elvis Presley ruled the movie theatres. James Bond stirred up the action genre, but by the end of the sixties into the seventies times were a changing and posters reflected this change of attitude towards sex and violence. The 1970s were more of the same as everything changed. Gone were the simple days of Andy Griffith and Mayberry. Hello Dirty Harry! Before the decade was over Clint Eastwood would make our day, we would see gangsters in The Godfather, cheer Sylvester Stallone as Rocky, race off to other parts of the galaxy in Star Wars and Star Trek and be made to believe a man can fly in Superman. Movie posters used photography occasionally using drawing and painting styles. Star Wars and Star Trek posters were the most popular creating collectors out of many today. Movie posters at this time were now being printed on a clay-coated paper which gave them a glossy finish. 1980s 1990s The age of special effects blockbusters, the 1980s broke records with awesome films like The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, E.T., more Superman movies, Raiders of the Lost Ark, 2 more Indiana Jones movies, more James Bond movies, Ghostbusters, Batman, Back to the Future, The Terminator, more Rocky movies, and dont forget Rambo. This decade meant more screens per theatre and more advertising material. The mini sheet was invented, and the video store became popular creating the video store poster. The 1990s saw the beginning of new computerization technology used in films like Jurassic Park. Batman was forever until the movie Batman and Robin, Arnold was back, and Independence Day blew away the competition. The one sheet continued to be used for posters as well as the mini sheet. 2000- Today Spider-man has web spun his way into the record books, DVDs are slowly replacing the VHS video, and posters are sold in many stores with reprints of movie posters currently being mass produced. The beginning movie po

Monday, August 19, 2019

Noras Discovery of Self in Ibsens A Dolls House Essays -- Dolls Hou

Nora's Discovery of Self in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House         Ã‚  Ibsen's play, "A Doll House," involves a woman who begins the play as a common housewife and through a series of joyous occurrences and catastrophes becomes a self-liberating woman.   Nora Helmer is transformed and decides to abandon her family and home in search of her true self.   She arrives at this point because of several factors.   Her refusal to submit to her husband and her self-realization is brought on by the way she has been taught to act by her husband and her father, and the contradicting demands the situations that she has had to deal with gave her.   Her true devotion to herself is discovered because of the false devotion she felt towards her husband and her role in her family.   In "A Doll House," Henrik Ibsen uses the character of Nora to show that the way in which a woman is treated and her assumed role in society can actually lead to her discovery of her own true humanity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though it seems contradictory, it is actually Torvald Helmer, Nora's husband, who cause Nora to refuse to submit to him.   Torvald holds a very low opinion of Nora's ability to handle things for herself, and allows her almost no responsibility relating to the family outside of the trivial things in the home.   His incessant use of his pet names, "songbird" and "squirrel" for example, trivialize her place in their home.   However, when Torvald becomes ill, it becomes Nora's responsibility to provide for his recovery.   Of course, Torvald, mustn't know anything about Nora borrowing money for his sake, which the situation demands.   So Nora is thrown into a dilemma.   Here her first decision to disobey her husband's wishes, in point of fact for the sake of her love for hi... ...e would long ago have told him about her troubles."   (294)    Works Cited: Gray, Ronald. "Henrik Ibsen." European Writers:   The Romantic Century.   New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1985. Vol. 7, pp.1428-1430 Hardwick, Elizabeth. "A Doll's House." Drama Criticism.   Detroit:   Gale Research Inc., 1992.   Vol. 2, pp. 294-295 Harris, Laurie Lanzen. "Henrik Ibsen." Characters in 20th Century Literature.   New York: Gale Research Inc., 1990.   p. 183 Huneker, James.   "Ibsen." Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism.   Detroit:   Gale Research Inc., 1979. Vol. 2, pp.222-223 Ibsen, Henrik. "A Doll House." Perrine's Literature.   Forth Worth:   Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998.   pp. 967-1023    Works Consulted Shaw, Bernard. "A Doll's House Again."   Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism.   Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1979. Vol. 8, p. 143   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comparing Pursuit of Perfection by Poe and Hawthorne and the Realism of

Pursuit of Perfection by Poe and Hawthorne and the Realism of Melville and Jacobs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the elements of Romanticism is the pursuit of perfection. While Poe and Hawthorne's characters strive in vain for the perfect woman (or rather her perfect attribute) or the perfectly engineered person, Melville already knows that perfection is an illusion. Melville paints a more realistic portrait of the imperfections of society. The women writers take Melville's assessments of the world and the human condition even further. Phelps and Jacobs' know first-hand about the misconceptions of perfection and the inability to capture that image. The burden of seamless domesticity wears on the women in these stories. Jacobs' story carries the heaviest burden of all being undermined by the repression of women and the hardships of slavery.   Ã‚  Ã‚   In Poe's Ligeia the narrator is captivated by his wife's beauty and intelligence, with which he becomes obsessed. He is particularly attracted to "the dear music of her low sweet voice". Her "rare" and "immense" learning makes her unique and intriguing. However, because "her knowledge was such as" the narrator had "never known in a woman" she is a threat. Johanyak says that, "Poe's intellectual heroines are first idealized and then feared or misunderstood by men who fail to understand or accept their quest for knowledge" (63).   The narrator admits that he had "never known her at fault". In essence, he is conceding that she was in fact the perfect woman. In the fateful pattern of Poe's female characters, such perfection must be punished. She dies and the narrator agonizes over his loss. It is not until this retelling of their marriage that the narrator truly appreciates all that she was and all that ... ... Dayan, Joan. "The Identity of Berenice." Studies in Romanticism 23.4 (1984) 491-513. Holly, Carol. "Shaming the Self in The Angel Over the Right Shoulder." American Literature 60.1 (1988): 42-60. Johanyak, Debra. "Poesian Feminism: Triumph or Tragedy." CLA Journal 39.1 (1995): 62-70. Morgan, Winifred. "Gender Related Differences in the Slave Narratives of Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass." American Studies 35.2 (1994): 73-94. Rosenberg, Liz. "The Best that Earth Could Offer. The Birth-Mark: a Newlywed's Story." Studies in Short Fiction 30.2 (1993): 145-51. Rowland, Beryl. "Sitting up with a Corpse: Malthus According to Melville in Poor Man's Pudding and Rich Man's Crumbs." Journal of American Studies 6 (1972): 69-83. Zanger, Jules. "Speaking of the Unspeakable: Hawthorne's The Birth-Mark." Modern Philology 80.4 (1983): 364-71.  

Saturday, August 17, 2019

American Airlines Essay

1. Issues 2. American Airlines’ objectives 3. The airline industry 4. Market 5. Consumer needs 6. Brand image 7. Distribution system 8. Pricing 9. Marketing related strategies 10. Assumptions and risks 1- Issues The main issue of this case is the lack of profits of the airline industry, an industry that should be more than profitable due to the large amount of customers, the necessity of using airlines’ services and the high prices charged by most of these airlines. What we are going to deal with is, why is this happening? And how is American airlines dealing with this problem?. To be able to discuss how American airlines wants to regain profitability, we must identify and analyse different issues such as, the company’s background, the airline industry as a whole, the demand for air travel, the marketing strategies, the distribution systems, pricing policies etc. 2- American Airlines’ objectives American Airlines’ prime objective is to bring back value to air travel, through stimulating business travel, lowering prices etc. So in other words American Airlines’ main objective is to become as profitable as possible. To understand better the company’s objectives we first have to focus on the company’s background, this way we will find out why the airline is not as profitable as it should, and what kind of a change is needed. American Airlines had been the largest airline in the United States for a long time. In 1990 and 1991 due to a recession and the Gulf War, demand for air travel dropped drastically, for this reason, fare wars started and all the airlines incurred massive losses. 3- The Airline industry and the market The airline industry is large, specially in the United States, mainly due to the † Deregulation† of the industry. In 1938, the Civil Aeronautics Board was created to control the growth of the air transportation industry. This board had the authority to control entry, exit, prices and methods of competition. In the late 1970 this structure was found inefficient and in 1978 deregulation took place. Due to the deregulation of the industry competition intensified, prices dropped, and the number of people travelling increased. Many new companies  emerged and regional airlines saw deregulation as an opportunity to expand. Due to the rise in competition, by 1986 mergers started to take place and in 1987 64.8% of the market was controlled by the four largest airlines. The demand for air travel is determined mainly by price, studies revealed that half of the leisure travellers and on quarter of business travellers did not have a preference for a particular airline, which means that prices determined the preference. So the strategy to compete for customers consisted mainly in pricing and flight schedules. The demand for flights varies depending on the season or the business cycle therefore airlines have to develop different pricing strategies and offers depending on the season or the business cycle period. An other determinant for demand is technology, the new telecommunication possibilities have made air travelling unnecessary in some cases, which of course has affected airlines revenues. 4- Consumer needs. Consumer needs are clear, what airline consumers need is basically god prices and good flight schedules. These are the basic needs, apart from these ones we could also point out other needs such as big, comfortable seats for long flights, good service on board, good food, punctual departures, check-in facilities, movie channels, etc. All these are consumer needs, but studies have shown that demand is mainly determined by price and a flight schedules, the rest just add value to these two, therefore companies must focus on ways to lower prices and provide good flight timetables. There are two types of travellers, business travellers and leisure travellers, these two of course have different needs, for the first ones price is not so important because usually the company pays for it on the other hand punctuality and flight schedules are very important to them. For leisure travellers the most important thing is usually price, and the rest comes after that. But as I said before consumer needs can be summarised in these to price and schedules. 5- Brand image American Airlines’ brand image is good, due to its successful background and its new marketing strategies. In 1991 American Airlines was the biggest airline in the United States, and the reason for it is that this airline was pioneer in many fields gaining competitive advantage over the other airlines. When deregulation took part in 1978, American transformed in  such a way that it became the industry’s market share leader. American had also pioneered several policies that affected the industry’s structure and standard practices. In the late 1960’s, American introduced the first computerised airline reservation system, which revolutionised the marketing and distribution of the travel industry. American also introduced â€Å"the super saver† fares in 1977, which was the first programme of deep discounts for leisure travellers, and in 1981, American launched the first frequent-flier programme, which created brand loyalty towards the airline. American Airlines is constantly developing new strategies, and introducing new technologies, and this is why its brand image is so high. Some of the new innovations that American Airlines is introducing are, the any time fares for business, new plan ahead for leisure, lower first class fares, etc. 6- The distribution system The main distribution system for air travel is the travel agent, which provides not only the flight ticket, but also supplementary services such as car rentals, hotels, excursions, etc. Airlines ask the agents to make reservations and deliver tickets. There is a difference in the distribution of tickets for business travellers and leisure travellers. Leisure travellers deal always with the agent, but for business travellers sometimes the airlines make deals directly with the companies. Airlines also make special offers to large corporate buyers, like price discount for frequent flier travellers, or quantity discounts. Nowadays there are other distribution systems, such as on line booking, and airlines’ home delivery tickets. 7- Pricing After the deregulation, pricing policies changed drastically, airlines started to offer a wide variety of fares discounted below the regular price. These discount were accompanied by several restrictions such as advanced booking, no refund, no changing dates, etc. Therefore people unwilling to meet these restrictions paid a higher price. At American Airlines management was viewed as selling the right seat to the right person, this means that they search for ways to find out who is willing to pay a higher price, and how can they make him pay a higher price. By 1991, the industry’s pricing structure had become enormously complex. American’s flights involved maintaining 500,000 fares. By late 1991 93% of the tickets  were sold at one kind of a discount or another. And the average discount was 63%. Due to the complex pricing structure American developed the â€Å"value pricing† plan. This plan consisted in: First for any given flight there would be only four different fares. Second, all fares would be mileage-related, and finally, the new fares were set below the levels of comparable existing fares so lower prices would be available to more business and leisure travellers. 8- Marketing related strategies Some the marketing strategies carried out by American Airlines have been: -Computerised reservation Systems: This system changed the industry’s marketing and distribution systems. This system stored information about, flights, seats availability and fares. Which made the booking and distribution a lot easier. CRS systems gave American Airlines a great competitive advantage over the other airlines, as booking fees by CRS enabled American to earn substantial amounts from its competitors. -Hubbing: With hubbing, flights from various origins on spokes of the network are channelled through an intermediate location, where they change planes and are re-routed to their final destination. This way the airline can serve more locations with fewer planes. -Frequent Flyer programmes: These programmes provide discounts or bonuses to frequent travellers. The value of the bonuses increase as the mileage flown increase, the bonuses can take various forms such as, fare reductions, upgrades to better classes or even free tickets. 9- Assumptions and risks In my opinion all of this strategies are brilliant, the only risk I see is in hubbing, customers sometimes don’t want spend additional time changing planes, there is the risk of missing connecting planes, luggage may get lost, etc. In the rest of the strategies I don’t see any risks what so ever.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Fiction and Monkey House Essay

The Irony of the Kurt Vonnegut’s Works that Can be Seen in the Welcome in the Monkey House and Who I am this Time. Kurt Vonnegut is one the best writers in the world. He is one of the post modernism’s writers. He is best known as the author of Slaughter-Five. Kurt Vonnegut wrote of satirical novels whose central theme is life’s cosmic joke on humanity. Vonnegut also a science fiction author and he is known as a dystopian writer’s. Some of his famous works is the collection of ‘Welcome to the Monkey House’ and ‘Who am I this Time’. Both of the stories tell about life’s cosmic joke on humanity. Now, I will describe about the irony of the Kurt Vonnegut’s works that can be seen in the Welcome in the Monkey House and Who I am this Time. Welcome to the monkey house is the collection of the short works by Kurt Vonnegut. And Who am I this Time is one of the collections among the short story in the welcome of the monkey house. Who am I this time is told about some one who can play many characters in the drama. The narrator is good actor; and he is a director too he can play many characters that expected to him and he is a director too, and Harry Nash is the biggest actor that the club has. Firstly, he got a character as a salesman of storm windows and doors, and he said that the highest rank that he ever held on stage was either butler or policeman. After that, the narrator meets with a pretty girl that is Helene Shaw and asks her to play the Stella’s character. Harry Nash is good actor too, even somebody said that harry ought to go a psychiatrist so he could be some thing important and colorful in real life. He like lost anything, and one time he said that â€Å"who am I this time? †. When the play of this story, Helena Shaw cannot plays Stella’s the character as well as expected to her. And the director searched a new one to play Stella’s character. But in the end, she can find the character and can play it well. The narrator said that â€Å"the part of Stella is yours†. And Harry and Helena play the character together. Finally, they married and said one thing to the narrator â€Å"Who are we this time? †. In the Who am I this time, the author made us think to differentiate the real life and the acting. The author can separate the two worlds but it is like allied. It is the irony that, the character of this story, that is Harry Nash and Helena Shaw can play the character in the play, but they can play their character in the real life. It can be seen when Harry Nash plays the character of Abraham Lincoln, he can make his spouse fall in love with him, as a Harry Nash and as Abraham Lincoln. And in the end of the story, there is another irony that is when Harry Nash and Helena Shaw get married. They said that â€Å"who are we this time†, it means that they will play many character in their life until they die. There is another story of Kurt Vonnegut that contain of Irony element in the work that is Welcome to the monkey House. Welcome to the monkey house is containing of irony element too. In this story, sex which is the natural behavior of human is forbidden by the government. Welcome to the monkey house told about the condition in the future which is the world has over population. This is the time when the population of the earth is 17 billion human beings. That is too many mammals that big for a planet that small. The people were virtually packed together like drupelets . And Billy the Poet who is a person who refused the ethical birth-control pill, so, he will got the penalty for that that is $10. 000 and ten years in jail. The world government makes a two-pronged to attack on overpopulation. One pronging is the encouragement of ethical suicide, which consist of going to the nearest suicide parlor and asking a hostess to kill us painlessly while we lay on Barcalounger. The other pronging was compulsory ethical birth control. Billy the Poet does not like to do it, because he think that, sex is the natural desire of human, and it cannot forbidden by government. One day Pete Crocker, the sheriff of Barnstable County, comes to the Ethical Suicide Parlor in Hyannis and announces to the two hostesses working there that Billy the Poet, a nothing head, was about to come to Cape Cod. Billy the Poet is known to be eager to deflowering hostesses, who are all virgins, and to send them smutty poems before he violates them, and one of the hostesses is Nancy McLuhan who is works in Barcalounger. After that, Billy the Port comes to Nancy to do a dirty thing. Nancy is repulsed by the whole action and insults Billy the poet. In the end, Billy the poet leaves her alone handing her a bottle of ancient birth control pills which prevent pregnancy but allow sexual intercourse. The label on the bottle says: Welcome to the Monkey House. So, the irony in this story is when government forbids their people to having sex, and gives them pills that made them like dying. Whereas, sex is the natural desire of human that cannot forbids by the government. It is according with Billy the Port statement to Nancy McLuhan that is one day he will make her understand that sexuality is a part of human nature and must not be suppressed by the Government. In the conclusion, I see that Kurt Vonnegut is the postmodernist writers that give the irony in his works that can be seen in the both of this story.